• Total Time: 1305 minutes= 21.750 hours = 0.906 Days

Monday, January 10, 2011


Date: 1/1/10

My name is Phillip Huddleston and I am a junior at Indiana University. I have no formal knowledge of film per say, however I have seen many a movie. Thus google ok-ed my credentials.

This is a blog detailing my own personal challenge: I plan on watching 365 movies in 365 (consecutive) days.


·         Has to be a full length movie
·         I have to watch it in its entirety during the next 365 days for it to count
·         I’m allowing myself to watch movies I’ve seen before, but the majority will be new
·         I don’t have to watch one each day (me cutting myself some slack)
·         I’ll do my best not to give away plot points
·         Start Date:1/7/10
·         End Date: 1/6/10, 11:59 PM
·         I’ll rate movies on a Netflix of 1-5 stars scale (whole numbers only) 
Let’s get started.

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